
When did you start being a missionary?

Written by Dorina Betz

I was on a short-term mission trip, helping on a camp for streetchildren in the Philippines. Suddenly a young woman about the same age as I asked me that question: “When did you start being a missionary?” I directly started to explain to her: “I’m not a missionary, I am still studying.”

She might have thought that I was serving in the Philippines full time. However, after my prompt response I realized that my answer was actually incorrect. Yes it was true, I was still in senior high that time. But did this exclude being a missionary? Isn’t just everybody living with Christ a missionary in one way or another? Are we not missionaries in our every-day walk? We might not call it alike. But we are called to mission every place we are.

“The call of mission is to love Jesus in such a way that you don’t need a specific event or place to witness but that from a heart desiring to see humanity saved, we live every single moment committed to being witnesses of the gospel and it’s transforming power.”

Mission takes place wherever you are right now. You are a missionary if Christ is living in you. And wherever you are is your mission field: Your classmates, colleagues, friends, family members, neighbours. Right here and right now are the best opportunities for God to move through you, to reveal his transforming power and to glorify his name.

Today, I would like to encourage you take a look on the mission field God placed you in right now. Whom can you serve? Where can you be a light? Who in your personal environment needs Jesus?

Dare to open your eyes. Take your place. Allow God to move through you right now. And stop waiting for later. Cause the best time is now and wherever you are is your mission field.

About the author

Dorina Betz