World of YWAM


Written by Dorina Betz

Discipleship is a principle, a very important cornerstone of YWAM. And not only of YWAM but above all of the kingdom of God.

Shortly before Jesus went back to heaven, he gave his disciples a mission:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” –Matthew 28:19-

This is what Jesus calls us to do. This is our task on earth. This is why we are still here. And Jesus himself showed us how DISCIPLESHIP works. He chose twelve friends to be his disciples and he took them almost everywhere he went, taught them many things and lived his life together with them. They heard Jesus preaching. They watched Jesus healing sick people. They sat with Jesus at one table. They probably did the dishes together with Jesus, slept on the mat next to Jesus, washed their clothes together with Jesus. They walked with Jesus wherever he went. They shared their lives and this is how they learned, how they grew, how they were being transformed.

The principle of discipleship raises two questions for each one of us personally:

Where can I learn? Surround yourself with people you can learn from. Watch their lifestyle of how they follow Jesus. Be inspired by good mentors and motivated by real examples. We need to learn from others in order to grow.

Where can I teach? Be a teacher for other people. Live discipleship. Give others the chance to learn from you. Teach them what others taught you before. Be an example, a mentor, a supporter, a teacher in the way you live.

Like Jesus allowed his friends to learn from him day by day, allow those around you, to learn from you. From the way you follow Jesus. From the way you communicate with God. From the way you live your life for him. Give others the opportunity to learn from you like you have learned from others.

Discipleship is not so much about knowledge but much more about lifestyle.

What you live matters more than what you say.

Discipleship is about living our faith before and together with others. It requires honesty. Integrity. Authenticity. It requires hard work, more effort and will cost you more time. But in the end it is more effective because it’s not just addition, it is multiplication. For in discipleship hearts and lives of people are being really transformed. And they become mentors, teachers, supporters. Transformed lives are transforming others.

About the author

Dorina Betz