YWAM Kosova


Written by Dorina Betz

God always works with TEAMS. He knows that we need each other. Each of us has different abilities, knowledge, experience, talents, gifts, opinions, worldviews, strategies, character, personality, passions, visions and dreams. And God wants to puzzle them together for HIS kingdom.

God gave us all different gifts and He made us all individually with this one idea in mind: That we, as  followers of Jesus Christ, work together for the purposes of God’s kingdom. None of us can do everything. But together we can do great things. Therefore we need each other.

If we want to see God’s kingdom coming on earth we have to stick together, encourage and support each other, work hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder and side by side.

As YWAM Kosova we long to see a TEAM serving God here in Kosovo to reach out to the community.

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” – Matthew 9:37+38-

The need here in Kosovo is great. And the harvest is ready. But the workers are missing. Please ask God for workers here in Kosovo. Pray with us that God will call people to serve Him here and that He will build a Team in YWAM Kosova to reach out to the people and see this nation being changed.

About the author

Dorina Betz