
What do you do when it’s getting hard?

Written by Dorina Betz

When we are outside on the mission field, working for the purposes of God, we can bet to be attacked by the devil. Of course! What we are doing out there is making him completely mad. We are his enemies. We are dangerous because we are about to change this world. A life that’s being lived for God is contested. Attacked. Bombarded. Besieged. The enemy is scared of what impact we have on earth so he’s trying to do anything to stop us, hold us back, and bring us down.

And this is why our mission field becomes our battle field. That’s why out there we face difficulties. Struggles. Disappointments. Pain. Brokenness. Hindrances. Discouragement. Trials. Temptations. Obstacles. Challenges. Confusion. And doubts.

And when all these things appear and build a huge mountain in front of us, we start to ask ourselves: “Is it right what I am doing here?” Next, we start to doubt God: “God, if you called me to do this, why do you let this happen?” And we end up with this question: “What’s wrong?”

Do you want to know the answer? NOTHING! In fact, everything is alright! We tend to think that whenever it’s getting hard we are not living in the will of God anymore. But often right in the midst of challenges, trials and difficulties we are in the center of God’s will! Jesus never said: “When you follow me, you will have an easy life.” No, he announced that we will have to take up our cross, deny ourselves, and give up everything we have. Precisely because we follow Jesus, we experience all kinds of difficulties. But the one who is for us is greater than the one who wants to see us down.

In the midst of your situation, do you really trust that God is who He says He is? In all circumstances coming up, in all our challenges, painful situations, discouragements and trials we’ve all got two choices what to do: Either we sit down, stop walking, and stay in the fog, being sick of our circumstances. Or we trust in God and His voice who wants to lead us into the unknown of greater things. We can make the choice to take His hand and let Him lead us until we see again. We might not know where He’s gonna take us but we do know that our God is faithful and that He will not leave us out there in the middle of nowhere.

God is good and He’s faithful and is not holding one little thing away from you that you need and that He has prepared for you. So, no matter what’s happening in your life, take the risk to walk with God. Continue to trust him even though you don’t understand what He’s doing right now. Step out in faith even though you don’t know where it ends. Keep going even when it hurts. Hold on a little longer and you will watch your triumph unfold.

So many times our perspective is limited, but God our creator know exactly what He is doing. For every pain there’s a purpose. He wants to use hard times in our life to shape us und make us more like Him. He wants to move through our struggles and difficulties to do greater things. He will never leave you, never let you down and never fail you. The next time a wave of challenges, troubles and pain crashes over you, remember that you might most likely be in the center of God’s will. And then most importantly, don’t give up because there’ll be something great coming out of this! Usually, everybody wants to win but nobody wants to stay and fight. But only those who do and persevere will see a great victory.

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” -2.Corinthians 4:8+9-

About the author

Dorina Betz