World of YWAM

YWAM Stories

Written by Dorina Betz

“I realised that my Father wasn’t after my ability but after my availability.”

“DTS was the first time in my life where I honestly came to the realisation that God had given me the ability to reach out to others, share Jesus and bring them to encounter Gods love and truth. For years I believed that I didn’t have the gifting, the words or the knowledge to be able to witness effectively. When I compared my natural ability to others, I definitely fell short by miles. How could God ever use me?

As God took me from the streets of Australia, to the red-light district and hill tribe villages of Thailand, as part of outreach for DTS, God showed me something. He showed me that the key ingredient to people encountering him was never in how well we shared the gospel, how effectively we prayed or how interesting we made our testimonies sound. The one thing needed was Him. We could sing out of tune, stumble and stutter in our words, and people could still encounter Jesus. I can tell you it was good to be freed from lies and to realise my Father wasn’t after my ability, but my availability. Now that I’m home from DTS, I have more freedom to share God and what he has done in my life – and that’s a beautiful thing!” –Heather-

About the author

Dorina Betz