Kosovo in God's heart

Resurrection from the ruins

Written by Dorina Betz

“Let the ruins come to life in the beauty of your name, rising up from the ashes. God, forever you will reign.”

Glorious Ruins- Hillsong Worship

The consequences of the Kosovo war 1998/1999 are still quite visible. Many houses throughout the whole country areĀ  laying in ruins and are not rebuilt yet. During the war plenty of Kosovars left their homes, their lands, their houses and their country behind.

The country needs resurrection from and restoration of its ruins, not only literally but even more spiritually. People need to start believing in their country again, believing in the future of Kosovo and focus on the countries strengths and resources. Pray with us that God will do his work of resurrection from the ruins, starting in the hearts of people by showing them who He really is.

About the author

Dorina Betz