Kosovo Blog

Ministry in Kosovo

Written by Korab Zhuja

Ministry in Kosovo pushes you far outside your comfort zone and helps you step into the boldness found in the name of Jesus.

Before coming to Kosovo I was unsure what ministry would look like and what to expect from our time here. Our team was coming off of three weeks in India when we arrived. We didn’t know what our schedule would look like but none of us were expecting anything “crazy” after all the radical things we had experienced and gone through in India. We couldn’t have been more wrong! 

The majority of our ministry during our two weeks here in Kosovo has been street evangelism and partnering with a local church in Pristina. Our team has found that it requires just as much boldness to approach people on the streets of a first world country like Kosovo as it does to preach the gospel in an Indian church. As we walk around the city center we are constantly asking God to highlight people to us that need some encouragement or for individuals searching to find something that will satisfy the internal void that seems impossible to fill. Even when we have felt the Lord pointing out people so specifically it still takes all of our courage to approach that person and share what is on our hearts. The Lord is so faithful to us though, we have been able to have some of the most amazing conversations with people on the streets about God, religion, peace and salvation. Because of this ministry we are able to invest in the community we are living in and have the privilege to share the miraculous hope that is rooted in Christ. Alongside the local church, we found ourselves performing a dance and drama in public squares and parks. Although we are the furthest thing from professional dancers, everyone in the area came and watched what we were doing. When we finished our performance we had the opportunity to go and talk to the people in the crowd, preach and explain what we were doing. None of us wanted to be dancing in front of all the Kosovars but because of that step of boldness we were able to witness in huge ways. These opportunities helped me conquer fear of man more than anything else we had experienced on outreach thus far. 

Another ministry opportunity we had while in Pristina was working with a local orphanage. We were able to take all the kids from 5-12 years old out for a fun day at the park. We danced for them, played games with them, and made crafts galore. It was so special for us to spend a day with them and to be a light and witness of Jesus’ love. 

Our final main ministry was helping YWAM Kosovo get off the ground. We were so blessed as a team to be a part of the groundwork of this pioneering base! Our team organized hundreds of books and cleared out shelves and boxes from the apartments. We filmed footage of the city and life here in Kosovo. We were able to share about our ministry on the social media and prepared helpful information for future teams coming and partnering with the YWAM Kosovo base. 

Overall ministry in Kosovo has been incredible. It has pushed us out of our comfort zones and has led to sweet friendships and amazing opportunities to share all that Jesus has done in our lives. We have been so blessed to be in this nation and to get to know the people of Kosovo! 

Author: Ella Dornbirer & The YWAM Sunshine Coast Team

About the author

Korab Zhuja